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Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions ("Terms"), together with our Privacy Policy ("Policy"), form the binding agreement between Nordic Arbex Limited ("Nordic Arbex") and the user of its services ("You"). By registering on our website and using our services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and accepted these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms or fail to comply with them, you are not authorized to use our services.

Acceptance of these Terms is required for access to Nordic Arbex’s services. If you refuse to accept any updates or changes to these Terms, you will no longer be permitted to use the services. Nordic Arbex reserves the right to modify the Terms at its discretion and recommends checking this page regularly for updates.

Before using Nordic Arbex’s services, consider whether buying or holding cryptocurrencies is appropriate for your financial situation and knowledge level. Cryptocurrencies carry a high risk of loss and are subject to extreme price volatility.

Restrictions on Use

Nordic Arbex’s website and services are not available to:

  • Individuals under the age of 18;


  • Acceptable Currency: EUR or USD.
  • Conversion Rate: The exchange rate set by Nordic Arbex for supported cryptocurrencies, based on various factors, including market conditions.
  • Cryptocurrency: A digital asset not recognized as legal tender, accepted by people as a means of exchange, and traded electronically.
  • Fiat Payments: Payments using traditional currencies (EUR, USD) through credit/debit cards, wire transfers, or alternative methods as outlined on the website.
  • Nordic Arbex Account: An account created by the user to access Nordic Arbex services.
  • Exchange Service: The regulated cryptocurrency exchange service provided by Nordic Arbex.
  • Services: The range of services provided by Nordic Arbex, including Wallet, Exchange, Loans, and NFT services.
  • Taxes: Government-imposed taxes or duties on transactions.
  • User: Any individual using Nordic Arbex's website or services.
  • Wallet: A digital wallet for storing cryptocurrencies.
  • Wallet Services: A regulated service that allows users to store cryptocurrencies in Nordic Arbex’s wallet.
  • Website: Nordic Arbex’s official website (

Description of Services

Nordic Arbex retains sole discretion over the functionality, range, and content of its services and reserves the right to modify or discontinue them without prior notice.

Nordic Arbex strives to provide accurate and up-to-date materials but does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content on its services. Any new services added after acceptance of these Terms will be subject to these provisions.

Wallet Services

The Wallet Services allow users to securely store, send, and receive supported cryptocurrencies. Nordic Arbex stores encrypted private keys in a combination of online and offline environments. Users are responsible for ensuring they use supported cryptocurrencies and networks, as deposits or withdrawals involving unsupported currencies may result in permanent loss, for which Nordic Arbex is not liable.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Users may deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies from their wallets. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of deposit and withdrawal information, as incorrect details can result in permanent loss of funds. Fiat deposits and withdrawals must be made through accounts or cards belonging to the user.

Exchange Services

Users may trade supported cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies at the prevailing conversion rate. Cryptocurrencies purchased can be stored in Nordic Arbex’s wallet or transferred to the user’s external wallet.


Users may apply for loans by using cryptocurrencies or NFTs as collateral. Collateral requirements and loan conditions vary depending on the asset and loan amount. Interest rates may change at Nordic Arbex’s discretion.

Autotrader and NFTs

The Autotrader service allows users to participate in pre-set trading strategies. Nordic Arbex also provides a platform for users to buy and sell NFTs using cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

Nordic Arbex Savings Account

Users may open savings accounts and earn interest on their funds. There are two types of savings accounts:

  • High Yield Account: Funds are locked for a set period, and interest is paid on a regular basis. Early withdrawal may result in penalties.
  • Flexible Account: Funds can be withdrawn at any time, though this may reset interest rates.

Nordic Arbex reserves the right to modify interest rates and payment terms at any time.

Discounts and Registration

Nordic Arbex may offer discounts based on a user’s cryptocurrency holdings or account level. To access services, users must register and agree to provide accurate information, maintain security, and accept responsibility for all account activity.

Verification and Compliance

Users are subject to a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process. Nordic Arbex may suspend or terminate services for users who do not comply with verification or provide false information.

Use of Services and Transactions

Users are responsible for determining the tax implications of their transactions. Nordic Arbex may perform verification checks that delay transaction processing and is not liable for such delays.

Refunds and Account Termination

All transactions are final, and refunds are not provided. Users may close their accounts by following the required process, but they must withdraw all funds beforehand. Nordic Arbex reserves the right to close accounts for violations of the Terms or illegal activities.


Nordic Arbex may impose penalties up to 100% of a user’s account balance for serious breaches of the Terms. Nordic Arbex also reserves the right to waive penalties at its discretion.

Privacy Policy

For details on how Nordic Arbex collects and uses personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy.


Nordic Arbex reserves the right to charge fees for its services. All fees will be displayed prior to transactions or other actions on the website.


Users acknowledge the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, including market volatility and regulatory uncertainty. Users should seek professional advice if they are unsure about the risks involved in using Nordic Arbex’s services.

Intellectual Property and Trademarks

Nordic Arbex owns all intellectual property related to its services and website content. Users may only use the website and services for personal, lawful purposes. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of Nordic Arbex’s content is prohibited.

Liability and Indemnity

Nordic Arbex is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of its services. Liability is capped at 100 EUR unless otherwise required by applicable law. Users agree to indemnify Nordic Arbex for any losses arising from misuse of its services.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom, and disputes will be resolved in the County Court at Central London, which has exclusive jurisdiction.

Contact Information

For questions or claims regarding the services, please contact Nordic Arbex via the chat on the website or email at